Certified Continuing Education Credit Courses
Delphi Law Group believes strongly in education. We provide several educational courses for our clients and our attorneys, frequently speak at industry events through Community Associations Institution (CAI) and California Association of Community Managers (CACM) on topics of concern to board members, managers and attorneys. To help CMCA certified managers meet continuing education requirements and to further education in our industry, we also have several course certified through the Community Association Managers International Certification Board (CAMICB).
Please review descriptions of our certified courses below and contact us to set up a training for you and/or your team. These courses are great for managers who need continuing education credits, however, the courses are equally beneficial for board members who want to further their education.
These courses are approved by Community Association Managers International Certification Board (CAMICB) to fulfill continuing education requirements for the CMCA Certification visit www.camicb.org

Managing Uncivil Conduct
Dealing with uncivil conduct within an association can be difficult and complex with a variety of potential issues depending on the specific situation and who is involved. Are members being uncivil? Are Board members being uncivil? This course outlines the options to consider when these situations arise in a community with an objective of learning the proper handling and remedies and steps that can be taken to proactively address these situations.
Assessment collection has become very complex with many variables affecting the success of recovery. This assessment collection recovery course outlines the pros and cons of taking any particular step in the collection process with an objective of providing the tools necessary for your association to make informed decisions at any step in the collection process. Learn how to maximize recovery of delinquent assessments for your association or to help your board members make the most informed decisions to maximize assessment recovery.

This course covers the various types of committees an association might have and what benefits they can provide. The course teaches the requirements for proper and efficient creation of committees, authority that can be granted and the obligations of various committees. Attendees will learn the tools necessary to create and utilize committees more effectively for the communities they manage or govern.
The elections course provides tools and training necessary for associations to successfully navigate member votes under Civil Code Sections 5100 et. seq. These requirements apply to any legally required vote of the Members, including:
- Assessments
- Increase of regular assessments more than 20% in any year
- Special assessment more than 5% of the budget in any year
- Election of directors
- Removal of directors
- Amendment to governing documents
- Grant of exclusive use common area (unless excepted)

Fair Housing Issues
The fair housing course provides knowledge and information regarding the Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA), the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and the Unruh Civil Rights Act to permit associations to avoid pitfalls and prevent liability when facing fair housing issues.
FHA Certification
The FHA certification course provides the tools and training necessary to help associations successfully obtain Fair Housing Administration (FHA) certification for their projects. FHA certification opens up lending options for low to moderate income households to enter the housing market through FHA certified properties.

Exterior Elevated Elements
The exterior elevated elements (EEE) course covers prior Senate Bill 326 (SB326) and California Civil Code Section 5551 relating to inspection and reserve disclosure requirements required by this section. You will learn the process involved in inspections as well as reporting and other requirements.
Reasonable Accommodations
An association, as a housing provider, is subject to the provisions of Federal and California law which require reasonable accommodations for the disabled. This course will teach you the proper handling of reasonable accommodation requests including compliance with the Federal Fair Housing Act (FHA) and California's Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA).

Want to schedule a course?
Please reach out if you would like more information, if you have questions about how we can help you and your community, or if you would like to schedule an education course for you, your community and/or your team.